Fees - Hextable Village Pre-school

Hextable Village Preschool Fees Structure

At our preschool we believe in open communication with all parents/carers and staff.  Therefore this fees structure will assist everyone to understand our charging. 

Opening times: We operate for 38 weeks per year, closing on bank holidays. We are open Monday to Friday from 9 am to 3 pm.  

Pricing: Fees are payable termly and are reviewed annually. Any changes to current rates will be advised in writing, at least one term in advance. Our fees do not include any outings, celebrations or entertainment that is in addition to our usual session activities.

Full Day 9 am to 3 pm £34.50
Morning Session 9 am to 3 pm £17.25
Afternoon Session 12 am to 3 pm £17.25

Consumables voluntary contribution: 50p per session. This includes healthy snack, arts & craft materials, wipes and learning resources.

Illness/absence: No refund will be given in the event of a child’s absence due to illness, holiday or any other reason.

Closures: Should the preschool be unable to open due to bad weather or any other unforeseen circumstances, parents will be refunded for a chargeable session or have it discounted from their next invoice.  Should closure need to take place part way through a session, a refund will not be given in this instance.

Late pick up:  Children must be collected promptly at the end of a session/day.  Should a parent fail to collect their child within15 minutes of the session/day end, a late collection fee of £10 will be charged, and a further £10 per every half hour thereafter.

Late payments:  Fees are to be paid within 14 days of the invoice date.  If you are experiencing financial hardship please speak, in confidence, to the manager so that alternative payment arrangements can be made.  If without negotiation fees are not settled, we are left with no alternative but to withdraw your child’s place in line with our Terms & Conditions. Children in receipt of Free Early Education will be able to access their funded hours only.

Deposit:  We ask for a £100 deposit upon acceptance of your child’s place. The deposit will be taken off the amount of the final invoice at the end of your child’s attendance. For funded only children the deposit will be refunded into your bank account after we have received a confirmation of your funding claim acceptance from the local authority (usually within 6 weeks after the funding had started). We request 4 weeks’ notice be given in writing if a child is leaving Pre-school, other than to commence full-time education. If we don’t get a notice stated above, the retainer fee is non-refundable

Payment methods:  Invoices can be settled by BACS payment. We accept Childcare Vouchers. 

Funded Early Education and Childcare for two, three and four year olds

Funded Early Education:  The Department for Education states that children must not attend a funded session for longer than 10 hours a day and access no more than two sites a day and no more than 4 providers in any one week. No session is to start before 6am or finish after 8pm.

Two year olds:  Some two year olds may be eligible to receive up to 15 hours funding known as the Free for Two Scheme (FF2) which is subject to meeting certain eligibility criteria.  For more information please speak to the manager. Eligible date ranges are shown in the table below.

Three and four year olds (The Universal Entitlement):  All children become eligible for up to 15 hours Funded Early Education the term after their third birthday. Eligible date ranges are shown in the table below.

Three and four year olds of working parents (The Extended Entitlement):  Some children may qualify for up to an additional 15 hours Funded Early Education which is subject to meeting certain eligibility criteria.  For more information please ask at the preschool. 

A child born on or between Will become eligible for a funded place from
1st January and 31st March The Start of Term 5 following their second or third birthday (after April Holiday)
1st April and 31st August The Start of Term 1 following their second or third birthday (after Summer Holiday)
1st September and 31st December The Start of Term 3 following their second or third birthday (after Christmas/New Year Holiday)

Our delivery patterns:  The following information details how your child can access their Funded Early Education hours at this preschool.

Funded Universal pattern over 38 weeks:  Two, three and four year olds will be funded to a maximum of 15 hours per week.

Full Day 9 am to 3 pm 15 hours funded over 38 weeks (term time)
Morning Session 9 am to 3 pm 15 hours funded over 38 weeks (term time)
Afternoon Session 12 am to 3 pm 15 hours funded over 38 weeks (term time)


Funded Extended pattern over 38 weeks:  Eligible three and four year olds will be funded to a maximum of 30 hours per week. (limited places available)

Full Day 9 am to 3 pm 30 hours funded over 38 weeks (term time)
Morning Session 9 am to 3 pm 15 hours funded over 38 weeks (term time)
Afternoon Session 12 am to 3 pm 15 hours funded over 38 weeks (term time)

Children accessing sessions outside of their Funded Early Education will be charged at our current rates as shown in the table on page 1. You will be invoiced in the usual way showing how many free hours your child has accessed in that period and what the additional charges are.


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