Day to Day - Hextable Village Pre-school

The School Day Hours

The pre-school is open to all children aged between 2 and 5 years.

We operate Monday to Friday term time only.

Our hours are:

Morning session    - 9.00 until 12.00
Afternoon session - 12.00 until 15.00 (please provide a packed lunch for afternoon sessions).

Daily Routine

  • When the children first arrive at pre-school we ask parents to assist their child in hanging their coat and backpack on their peg and their book bag in their tray.
  • Then the parent should drop their child at their relevant key group making sure a member of the educator team is available to greet your child before leaving.
  • Children will take part in group activities which are planned around the current topic. We also let our children guide our
    planning so if your children have a particular interest or something to show us we will focus our activities around the ideas of the children.
  • Later in the session the snack bar will be opened up and children encouraged to get involved
    pouring their own drinks and preparing the snack.
  • The garden will be opened and children will have an opportunity to play in our outdoor environment.
  • We are very lucky in our setting to have full access to the Heritage Centre Gardens which allows us to be able to take the children on nature walks and take part in forest school type activities in our curriculum.
  • Settling in to pre-school

    • We ask that you stay for at least the first hour of your child’s settling in session to settle them in and fill out all of the relevant forms. We recommend you arrive around 9.20 on your first day, this gives educators an opportunity to greet and settle the other children in their group and be ready to devote time to you and your child when you arrive.
    • During this time you can discuss with your child’s keyworker the best way to settle your child according to your needs.
    • All children are unique and the amount of time that a child takes to settle in varies enormously. We welcome you to stay at the beginning of sessions until you and your child feel comfortable enough to separate.
    • Each child will become a member of either Butterfly or Caterpillar group and our team of educators will get to know your child in the first few days. Each child is assigned a keyworker who will liaise with you and get to know your child and provide a sense of becoming a familiar person to your child.

    Parent Involvement

    Hextable Village Pre-school recognises parents/carers as the first and most important educators of their children. Children on consistency and we ask that Parents and Educators work together to provide this both at home and at pre-school.
    By regular discussions and awareness of your child’s development we aim to work together to help your child reach his/her full potential in all areas.

    Practical Checklist


    • We have uniform available for you to buy here that consists of a red t-shirt and a red sweatshirt printed with the pre-school logo. This is not compulsory but we do recommend your child attends pre-school in clothing you wouldn't mind getting spoilt as our activities can get messy!
    • Please label clothes, coats and shoes clearly as we cannot be held responsible for items going missing. As you can imagine it's quite a task to ensure all pairs of wellies and coats get put back on the right pegs! If you need to purchase labels you can do so here using our affiliate link (our school's code is added to your basked automatically).
    • We also sell book bags or alternatively you can use your own (just please ensure they fit in the book tray your child will have at pre-school). Children are able to and encouraged to choose a book from our library to share at home and exchange once they’ve finished it.

    Healthy Eating

    • We offer snacks mid morning and mid afternoon.
    • For children attending all day or afternoon sessions you need to supply a packed lunch which they eat at 12.10. We do request that you provide a healthy lunch avoiding nuts, chocolate and sweets. If you provide grapes can we please ask that you cut them in half lengthways to prevent them being a choking hazard.
    • The children decide for themselves in which order they eat any of the items you've provided in their packed lunch be mindful of this and provide a healthy variety of foods.


    • If your child is still in nappies please send your child with a change of clothes, nappies, wipes and nappy sacks. If nappies are changed the educators will wear aprons and gloves. A nappy changing mat will always be used.
    • Once your child is showing signs that they may be ready to start using the toilet we are happy to support this. Please provide plenty of clean clothes in case of accidents.
    • We do encourage independence so please try to support this at home and ensure their clothes are easily manageable to use the toilet at short notice!


    • We will ask you who will regularly collect your child if anyone other than the named person is going to collect your child from pre-school we must be informed beforehand.
    • We do have a password system and anyone collecting a child must know this. If you have not told us in advance then we will not allow the child to leave the premises until we have contacted you. Please appreciate how important this is for the safety of your child.

    Medication and Illness

    • We can only administer medication which has been prescribed by a medical professional and provided your child is fit and well to be at pre-school e.g. the end course of antibiotics once they are feeling well enough.
    • Children should not attend pre-school if they are suffering from vomiting, diarrhea, has an infectious illness or have any unspecific rashes. If your child has experienced vomiting or diarrhea please do not bring your child into pre-school until 48hrs after symptoms subside.
    • If your child has sticky and/or crusty eyes or other symptoms of conjunctivitis please administer the appropriate eye drops before returning to pre-school
    • If head lice are detected or a parent tells us that their child has head lice but is being treated then a notice will be sent out informing parents.
    • If your child becomes unwell at Pre-school every effort will be made to contact you


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